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Available for schools to help enrich their Creative Writing, Poetry, Literacy or Well-being curriculum and to help establish a culture of words, creativity, thinking and experimentation.


Each child’s confidence as a writer is encouraged and empowered in every project by immersing them in the creative writing process – exploring, thinking, imagining, discussing and experimenting with words, ideas, organisation, and best ways to engage an audience. The ability to creatively think outside of the box and to work collaboratively, as well as individually - encouraging transferable skills for the young minds of the future.


Each writer will benefit from tips and tricks, handy toolkits and visual aids to help improve their writing. Children will be inspired by current, engaging topics and the additional use of multi-media including film and helpful apps (if iPads are available).


Projects are thoughtfully hand crafted and tailor-made for each school based on their wishes and vision, working in close partnership with teachers and staff to maximise the impact of each project.


Image by Trust "Tru" Katsande

FS & KS1-3


Explore aspects of poetry - from rhyme to rhythm, from imagery and the senses, from painting a picture for reader to reading rich examples as a poet. 


Make learning cross-curricular by tapping poetry into emotional wellbeing, history, science, PD&MU, geography, environment and the World Around Us.


This can be a one-off workshop or a longer term, tailor made project.


FS, KS1 & KS2

The Moon's Beam

Meet the author!


An inspirational workshop around Michelle Young's recent children's book (illustrated by Bryony Dique) designed to excite and encourage children to write and invent as well as highlighting the importance of love, hope, faith and wishes as part of an Emotional Literacy Programme.


The workshop provides opportunities to create, design and write about their own inventive ideas as Beam needs an updated Moon Glider and helpful sidekick.


Plenty to think about and write about too!


Image by Florentine Pautet

FS & KS1

Alien Visit!

Children create their own Alien Fruit and write poetry about them.


This project includes shared writing with an interactive approach as well as text & animation by Oliver Jeffers, leading to independent descriptive writing and lots of FUN!



Project includes an escapee pet alien and can cause lots of excitement!

Image by Michael Dziedzic


The Edge of Magic

Inspired by the Spiderwick Chronicles and other recent books and film clips, children create magical creatures, invent, write and report.


This exciting project explores writing along with film and the opportunity for hands-on making.


It can embrace narrative story writing, descriptive writing and poetry, or factual writing such as instructions, explanations and newspaper report writing. You choose!

Man and Dragon

KS1 & 2

Fantastic Beasts & where they hide.

Inspired by JK Rowling’s film and book, create creatures, invent, write and report.


This exciting project explores writing along with film and the opportunity for hands-on making.


It can embrace narrative story writing, descriptive writing and poetry, or factual writing such as instructions, explanations and newspaper report writing. You choose!

Image by Nicole Baster


Wonderland | Underland

A portal story writing project that can be wonderfully enchanting or topsy-turvy creeptastic!


A curious character finds a hidden portal revealing a fantasy world and creatures beyond it.


What happens while he is there?


Who does he meet?


How does he get home? Does she even want to return?


Inspired by hands-on exploration, inspiring images, a unique story, classic literature, film and audio.

Image by Ana Cruz
FS & KS1-3

Shout it Out!

Based on Michelle's recently published stories over lockdown, The Little Lightbulb Boy and Saoirse & the Healing World, this Emotional Literacy Programme provides workshops for children aged 5 - 13.


Workshops are designed to empower children by giving them the opportunity to explore or untangle their feelings during this time through word games, movement, poetry, art & design, planning and story writing, as well as an experiment and interactive race focusing on positive thinking and wishes.

Image by Alfred Kenneally
KS2 & 3


Written by Jade Kelly and Michelle Young, this story is about a bird with a broken wing who learnt how to fly with the help of caring friends.


It is a touching story that embraces emotional wellness and metaphor as the broken wing in this case represents living with a disability and over coming difficulties.


This is an emotional wellbeing and writing project, enabling writers to write about their own feelings and hardships or showing empathy for those who do.

Image by Greg Rakozy
FS & KS1

It's Magic, You're Magic

A magical and engaging project adapted for all ages based on ‘Leon and the place between’ by Graham Baker- Smith.


This can be a one-off workshop or a longer project embracing poetry, descriptive narrative from different perspectives or alternative endings.


This topic can also embrace cross-curricular links with Science and PD&MU and emotional wellbeing.

KS1, 2 & 3

The Power of Pictures

Expand vocabulary. Be inspired!

Delve into image to create vivid imagery, figurative language and words and sentence types for effect to paint a picture in the reader's mind.


Thought provoking images or wordless story books, based on a theme of your choice.

Image by Varvara Grabova
KS2 & 3

This is Me!

Inspired by The Greatest Showman, this Emotional Literacy Programme explores identity, individuality and dreams in this powerful and empowering unit of poetry and creative writing.


This can be delivered as a 4 week block or a one off workshop.


To extend this, poetry can be presented on mirrors or chairs as part of the Mirror, Mirror or My Chair, My Story project.


Image by Jessica Pamp

Shakespeare Shenanigans

Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet – A programme getting to know one of the plays and its characters using techniques from the Royal Shakespeare Company along with IWA's own twist.


Enables all pupils to shine through engaging drama and writing activities.

This project begins with a Shakespeare Day at school, then the shenanigans begin… 


Character and plots are explored through drama and collaborative activities. There is also a chance to develop Creative Writing and descriptive writing opportunities enriched through movement, music, images and even rap.  

If the show fits.jpg

If the Shoe Fits...


Trolls, giants, wicked witches, heroes and villains. Create real shoes, embellished with writing, fit for a fairy-tale character!

Sharpen children's descriptive writing and poetry skills with this creative project that promises to immerse each writer in their creative journey, and fall in love with books a little more too!



Let your imagination and creativity soar as you take part in this fantastical project that begins with a story about invention and adventure.

Create your own characters, flying machine and perilous journey with creative tasks and hands on activities that embrace wild imaginations, thinkers, artists and wordsmiths. Come along, fly with us!


The Legend of Giants


Inspired by Irish folklore and our local landscape. We will take a trip to visit one of the Sperrin Giants created by Thomas Dambo on the new the Sculpture Trail. Afterwards, young writers will create their own legendary stories based on new giants that they create.


This is perfect for a unit for creating poetry, delving into character and setting through powerful imagery, expanding vocabulary, and encompassing the story plot of defeating a monster.


Tyger, Tyger


Inspired by the new novel, Tyger, by S.F. Said, this 12 week project will immerse young writers with rich discussion, language and ideas based on the themes of prejudice, justice, faith, rights, bravery and creativity that run through the book as well as writing their own adventure story that will centre around a local landmark of their choosing- the next gateway.


Children will explore character, setting, description, action and dialogue along with a cohesive plot to find their own inner spark.

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Muddy Shoes

Horror & Suspense KS 2 & 3

The Open Door

Inside the Villains


Trapped in the Toy Museum


Story writing for Autumn! Suspense Writing! One off workshops or 8-10wk Writing Projects.


Writers create their own suspense thriller inspired by spooky images, film footage and audio to fill the senses.. Hone sentence control and words for effect to well and truly grip the audience - not too tight!.


There is opportunity to record part of the stories in a creative way through multi-media or art.

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